

18 October, 2023

Wattles Life Membership For Amanda O'Halloran

Wattles Warriors Club President of the past four and a half years Amanda O’Halloran was awarded Life Membership at Saturday night’s Banquet and Presentations held at the F.E. Logan Hall in Clifton.

Wattles Life Membership For Amanda O'Halloran - feature photo

From her baby days back in 1970 Amanda was a regular football attendee with a family devoted to the Wattles Club. That devotion continues to this day.

She enjoyed the connection with the Wattles Club through her family and that of her late husband Michael O’Halloran and his family.

She has been an active volunteer with the club since the mid 1980’s, and was judged Wattles Rugby League Club Princess in 1989.

At around 10 years of age, Amanda was a club cheerleader in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, with her sister Catherine and cousins.

While a committee member she at times filled roles of assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer in various years.

Amanda’s volunteer roles involved raffle ticket selling, canteen duties, clubhouse bar duties, clubhouse cleaning, club apparel, promotions among many other roles, including helping arrange fund raising events. And when needed assisted with ground preparation such as marking, irrigating and mowing at Clifton and Allora.

She also held club support positions on the joint Wattles senior/junior club’s clubhouse committee and the Clifton Recreation Ground committee with other sporting groups.

Amanda served as Wattles Senior Vice-President in 2018 and 2019, before taking on the President role in mid-2019.

She has always perform-ed her duties to the absolute highest level as the club’s leader, go to person and representative on the Toowoomba Rugby League.

Regardless of the President role, she performs tasks at all levels on match days along with running the club week in week out, all while operating a successful bus-iness in Binny Bowe Boutique in Clifton.

She also steps forward as a major sponsor of the club, and indeed a significant spon-sor of so much in the Wattles Allora-Clifton community region.

For a decade in the 2000 / 2010’s Amanda was absent from the Wattles while she carried out the role of Secretary of the Queensland Rugby League South West Division Juniors.

Amanda has also been active with the Wattles Junior Rugby League club for some years prior to 2018, as a team official and also a coach. Her daughter Chloe is a player.

The Wattles Rugby League Club is honoured to recognise a person of Amanda’s calibre, her club and community standing, with almost 40 years involvement with the club.

- Information supplied by Glyn Rees


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