
General News

21 March, 2024

Truck rolls down embankment

A truck driver was fortunate to not be gravely injured after his prime mover and trailer rolled down an embankment on Gatton Clifton Road at West Haldon last Wednesday, 13 March.

Truck rolls down embankment - feature photo

Emergency services were alerted to the incident at 1.40pm, which occurred on a winding section of the road where there are multiple crossings of Heifer Creek.

A Queensland Fire and Emergency Services said one Fire and Rescue crew attended the crash, including a couple of senior officers.

Clifton Police were also in attendance.

The truck, carrying hay, almost completely landed on its roof.

The driver, a 37-years-old man from Placid Hills near Gatton, was assessed by paramedics and transported to hospital via ambulance to treat his injuries.

Clifton Police said speed and driver inattention are believed to be factors in causing the crash.

The driver was issued with an infringement notice for driving without due care and attention.


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