
10 December, 2021

Toowoomba to Warwick Pipeline preparations begin

The Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water has begun laying the groundwork for the Toowoomba to Warwick pipeline through $8.1 million in preparatory works.

A drilling rig operating on Felton Clifton Road south of Nobby as part of the preparatory works.
A drilling rig operating on Felton Clifton Road south of Nobby as part of the preparatory works.

Seqwater is progressing with detailed design, including conducting technical investigations along the proposed Toowoomba to Warwick pipeline route. 

The investigations are taking place along roads, railways, public easements and waterways, and include ecological surveys, topographical surveys, cultural and heritage surveys and geotechnical investigations.

These assessments will inform the pipeline design, which is based on a concept released with the feasibility study in April.

The pipeline route passes through the towns of Wyreema, Cambooya, Greenmount, Nobby, Clifton and Allora and terminates at the Warwick Water Treatment Plant. 

It traverses local road reserves discharging to offtake at intermediate towns. 

The preferred treated water pipeline is 93 kilometres in length, while the preferred raw water pipeline is approximately 108.5 kilometres long.

The work was funded through the $20 million Southern Downs Drought Resilience Package.

More information is available on the Department’s website.


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