

22 April, 2021

The Property owned by Mary Hall at Forest Springs

The Allora & District Historical Society has a mountain of information about the Allora district. After a request from Lesley Telford, Lyn Wright from the Society was happy to help Lesley research the cattle/horse brands of her grandparents John and Adelaide Victoria HALL of North Branch Goomburra.

Lyn produced two very old Queensland Brands Index books. There were three brands in the name of John Hall, but with no address the next step was to contact the Government Department of brands.

As Mary Hall is also the name of Lesley’s great grandmother (mother of John) and her husband was William Hall she decided to follow this lead as it seemed a huge co-incidence with the initials W H. (Mary’s husband William Hall, had died on 22/05/1878 while working as Head Stockman on Pilton Station and is buried in an unmarked grave. Along with other pioneers, his name is inscribed on the Pilton Station Cemetery Memorial Cairn across from the local school).

The DNR office in Warwick was able to produce and copy maps and title deeds that included Mary, John and Adelaide Victoria Hall.

A phone call to the Brands Department confirmed Mary Hall’s new address Portion 196V in the Forest Springs area where she selected land after Headington Hill Station was cut up in 1898. A follow-up call from the Department confirmed the following information:

Brand registered 02/09/1872
William HALL King’s Creek Pilton QLD
Brand transferred on the 21/06/1886 to:
Mary HALL (wife of William Hall)
Selection Pilton, Clifton QLD 

Mary passed away in 1929 but the brand stayed in the family for some years before lapsing. In 1947 this brand was registered again to William Francis HERRON of Cedar Creek and in 1984 was transferred to Errol William HERRON.

“My search is on-going, but I am very excited to fi nd this information thus far,” Lesley Telford said.

There is a small charge for the work of the Allora Historical Society, the proceeds being used to support the ongoing work of the organization.



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