Community & Business
31 May, 2023
Thank you Dr Geisel
Thirteen years ago, Dr Geisel answered the call of Allora residents for a local doctor who would start a new chapter in our community.
Warwick lost the service of Dr Geisel where she had practiced for twenty years. Dr Geisel commented that it was her concern about our community being so desperate for a doctor and she thought she would like to try and work in a small community.
What an asset Dr Geisel turned out to be. Dr Kay Ellis and Dr Geisel formed a partnership and started the Allora Medical Centre in the iconic Donavan Building.
They saw many developments that were supported and funded by the Allora and surrounding community to the centre we have today.
It was with great pleasure that the Allora Medical Support Group and other locals attended a Thank You dinner at the Railway Hotel first week of May 2023 for Dr Geisel.
On behalf of the AMSG Garry Wilson (chair) presented Dr Geisel with a ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ and gift noting that Doctors are the bedrock of community.
Passing on our deepest thanks for her services to the Allora and surrounding community. 2010-2023.
He commended Dr Geisel for her long service and wished her all the best in the future.
The following support staff, Felicity Schulz, Kaye Fiechtner, Sharon Caldwell and Margot Bradfield, were also presented with a ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ thanking them for their service to the Allora and surrounding community.
Over the past ten years the Allora Medical Support Group have worked diligently to foster and sustain the Allora Medical Centre. This is only possible if there are like minded medical staff who see the value and need for rural medical services.