

6 September, 2022

Team Penning results

After a successful rescheduled Oakey Show, the results for the team penning event are in!

Team Penning results - feature photo

A very successful Team Penning event was held in conjunction with the 114th Oakey Show.    

The winning team of B. Hay, K. Hay and E. Hay travelled from Brigalow to compete. 

There were 116 runs during the day, with the finals contested by the top ten scores at 5.30pm.


1st B. Hay, K. Hay, E. Hay

2nd R. Hall, R. Law, K. Law

3rd K. Bond, S. Bond, N. Teirney

4th B. Hay, K. Hay, E. Hay

5th B. Deane, K. Hay, B. Hay

The winning team, B. Hay, K. Hay, E. Hay, penned 2 head in the time of 1.10 in the finals.


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