General News
5 March, 2025
TC Alfred: schools close, sand available, no bin service on Friday
The emerging danger of Tropical Cyclone Alfred has seen government bodies and emergency services begin preperations for the oncoming storm, including closing schools, stopping bin services and making sand available for sandbags in Cambooya and Wyreema.

Toowoomba Region Mayor and Chair of the Toowoomba Local Disaster Management Group Geoff McDonald has urged residents to take precautions with Tropical Cyclone Alfred now on track to make landfall in South-East Queensland in coming days.
Mayor McDonald said Council was continuing to monitor the situation and the Toowoomba Local Disaster Management Group would meet today, Wednesday, 5 March, to continue preparations.
“The safest place for almost all residents of the Toowoomba Region on Friday and across the weekend will be in their own homes,” Mayor McDonald said.
“We are not expected to have the same severe impacts from TC Alfred as Brisbane and coastal areas however we are making preparations and ask residents to do the same.
“Residents should take precautions such as driving to conditions on our roads, preparing your home for storm-type impacts and having an emergency plan if you live in a location across our region which floods or becomes isolated from flooding should that potentially occur later this week and across the weekend.
“Today is the day to clear loose items and debris from your yard, clean out your gutters, fill your car with fuel, collect sandbags (if needed), have an emergency kit, charge your mobile phone and other devices and think about battery supplies.
“We are asking residents to steer clear of our parks in coming days due to the risk of flying debris and falling tree limbs, sporting fields are also likely to close.
“Council teams are on standby to deal with this weather event however, for their personal safety is always our priority.
“Residents should check on friends and family who may live in flood-prone areas, look out for neighbours and the more vulnerable members of our community as well as securing their pets and animals and keeping them safe during this event."
School closures
The Department of Education has decided to close 663 state primary and high schools in South-East Queensland Thursday and Friday, 6 and 7 March. This includes all state schools in Toowoomba and the surrounding area, all the way out to Nobby.
Check with specific Catholic and independent schools to see if they will be closing.
A list of school closures can be found here.
Sand stockplies
Toowoomba Regional Council has provided sand stockpiles. The following locations are the closest:
Cambooya: Lucy St, Lucy St Park (next to tennis courts).
Wyreema: Newman Road, Wyreema (on road reserve between Newman Road and Toowoomba Karara Road).
Clifton: 28 Tooth St (behind the Clifton SES HQ)
Pittsworth: Railway St, in front of SES (at Pittsworth Showgrounds).
Toowoomba Showgrounds: Glenvale Road, Glenvale.
Residents will need to bring their own sandbags and shovel. Sandbags are available from hardware stores. If you require assistance with sandbags call the SES on 132 500.
No bin service on Friday
Kerbside collections has been suspended on Friday 7 March. Waste management facilities are also closed from Friday.
Mayor Geoff McDonald said If your wheelie bin normally gets collected, you can take it to a waste management facilities today (Wednesday) or tomorrow (Thursday) and empty it for free.
Residents are asked to secure kerbside bins as soon as emptied in the lead-up to Friday.
Following safety inspections, waste facilities will reopen as soon as possible.