Community & Business
27 August, 2024
SILHOUETTES - Allora Photography Group’s July Topic
Members found the July topic “Silhouettes” harder than expected.
The independent judge was Tryg Hellander who awarded “Honour” to two entries, Michelle’s “Man and Dog” and Glenda’s “Trumpeting in the Night”
Michelle’s candid capture of “Man and Dog” was described by Tryg as “Razor sharp, clean, interesting, unmistakable and pretty much what a silhouette story looks like. This is almost perfect.”
Glenda’s elephant may not have been real, but the inventiveness and technical expertise of the shot was undeniable. “Top job” said Tryg.
Jan’s image “St Marys” was awarded “Merit”. Tryg commented: “The graduated light is a massive payoff that trails off perfectly in both colour and power”. Personally, I wonder was Jan trying to tell us something with the light changing from heavenly hues in the sky to fiery crimson and orange, hinting at an entirely different place.
With “Windmill”, Victor included a large area of negative space on the left of the image to balance the intense deep blackness of the blades and frame of the mill. His work earned him a “Highly Commended”.
The next judging night will be at 7 o’clock Wednesday September 11 at St Andrew’s Community Centre 33 Forde St (Cnr Warwick St.) Allora.
Toowoomba Photographic Society President, Graham Harris will judge two topics, “Fruit and Vegetables” which closed on August 2, and “Landmark” which closes on August 30.
Landmark will be an interesting challenge. The Group is required to submit one photograph of each of the Boer War Memorial and Tiddilik in Warwick.
Visitors are welcome to these nights - Contact Michael: 0427 521 159 or alloraphotography