
Community & Business

17 May, 2021

RFDS improves medical care capabilities

A new patient transfer facility for Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) at Toowoomba City Aerodrome has been built to improve their ability to provide for patients.

RFDS chair Russell Postle.
RFDS chair Russell Postle.

In opening the patient transfer facility, RFDS (Queensland Section) Chair Russell Postle said a total of 881 patients were flown to and from Toowoomba City Aerodrome in 2020.

“This new facility will ensure patients an even greater level of care, with protection from both the heat and rain, as well as the cool temperatures for which the region is known,” he said.

The campaign for a patient transfer facility was spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Toowoomba, which sought the building space from Toowoomba Regional Council and applied for Stronger Communities Programme funding from the Federal Government, to aid Rotary’s financial contribution.

The new facility, which will be available 24 hours a day
for Flying Doctor and Queensland Ambulance Service crews, contains amenities and stores RFDS equipment such as wheelchairs and stretchers.

Mr Postle said previously if an aircraft didn’t arrive at the aerodrome at the same time as the ambulance, patients may have had to wait in the back of the craft or vehicle, for the other to arrive. 

“Our crews have some-times had to seek shade under the wing of an aircraft while awaiting the patient’s arrival.

“Toowoomba’s very own patient transfer facility will ensure greater comfort for patients who are transferred through the aerodrome every year,” Mr Postle said.

The Toowoomba City Aerodrome, located in Wilsonton, is owned and operated by Toowoomba Regional Council.


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