Community & Business
13 July, 2023
Rewards uptake among best in Queensland. Onya Pittsworth!
The big supermarket in the heart of town that is something of a community hub in Pittsworth has just been revealed as a leader in the IGA Rewards scheme for Queensland.
IGA head office even recently sent out a film crew to create footage in the store and interview owner Shane Smith about the success of the IGA Rewards card that recognises and rewards customer loyalty.
The video will be revealed at this weekend’s national IGA Conference on the Gold Coast.
“Pittsworth has one of the highest uptakes of the card in the state and in Australia,” Shane said.
He said shoppers could sign up for a card and receive added rewards on top of
the thousands of specials offered every week at prices below those of other supermarkets.
“We work hard being a part of the community here and we get deals from suppliers make sure we pass them on to our customers.”
Shane and wife Tracy, along with their son Andrew and daughter Jess will have owned the supermarket for 10 years this December.
They also introduced IGA to Westbrook two years ago, opening IGA Family Grocer.
Be sure to check out the back page of The Sentinel every fortnight for some of the latest IGA Pittsworth specials.