

19 May, 2022

Proposed new silo manufacturing site

Kotzur Group Pty Ltd submitted plans to Toowoomba Regional Council on 5th May to construct a silo manufacturing building and an attached ancillary office in Charlton.

Proposed new silo manufacturing site - feature photo

The proposal states that the buildings will be on land within the Charlton Wellcamp Enterprise Local Plan Area and a Medium Impact Industry Zone in an existing industrial area. 

The address of the new premises is Lot 1 (RP79671) Steger Road, Charlton and which will have frontage onto both Steger Road and Leeson Road. 

Kotzur Group Pty Ltd will build 115 on-site car spaces, as well as a 12 metre wide sealed road providing street access to Steger Road.

The premises’ operation will include the fabrication of metal grain silos, abrasive blasting (less than 10,000 tonnes of abrasive material per annum), spray painting (less than 20,000 litres of paint per annum), storage of plant and equipment and ancillary administration activities within the proposed attached office building.

It will operate 24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday. 

The proposed building coverage is 8,813.01m2, which is about 6 per cent of the total lot space and will be two storeys high at 27.5 metres. 

According to the Traffic Impact Assessment Report the proposed use will not have any adverse impacts upon the operation of the roads or require road upgrades or improvements to the roads.

The subject land has access and can be connected to urban infrastructure, including electricity, sealed roads, sewer, water supply and stormwater infrastructure. 


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