

6 April, 2022

Powdery mildew spotted locally

After the wet weather in recent weeks there have been several reports of powdery mildew in mungbeans across Queensland and northern New South Wales, including at Nobby.

Early powdery mildew infection begins as small, white, fluffy colonies on the lower canopy of mungbean plants. Photo, Lisa Kelly
Early powdery mildew infection begins as small, white, fluffy colonies on the lower canopy of mungbean plants. Photo, Lisa Kelly

Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) plant pathologist Lisa Kelly said as well as at Nobby, powdery mildew has also been spotted at North Branch and Pampas.

She also said it is likely showing up in crops elsewhere.

Powdery mildew in mungbean is caused by the fungal species, Podosphaera xanthii and Erysiphe vignae

It initially appears as small white powdery spots, and can spread to cover the entire leaf surface.

Concerningly, fusarium wilt has been found in several southern Queensland crops.

Fusarium wilt in mungbean is a soil-borne disease that affects plant roots, causing wilting and ultimately plant death.

Ms Kelly said three field trials are currently being conducted in southern and central Queensland by DAF researchers in paddocks previously impacted by Fusarium wilt as part of DAQ1806-003RTX – Optimising mungbean yield in the northern region – Mungbean Agronomy. 

“Different mungbean varieties have been planted into paddocks with a history of disease to determine whether there are any differences in host resistance,” she said. 

“Results from these trials will be released in the coming months.

“Two fungicide options are currently under permit to manage the disease, including tebuconazole products (PER13979) and products containing a mixture of tebuconazole and azoxystrobin (PER82104).”

Those with mungbean crops should monitor closely for disease symptoms, and contact Ms Kelly at or 0477 747 040 for further information on disease diagnosis.


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