23 August, 2023
Oakey High Ekka trip wrap up
Oakey High's Ag team went down to the Ekka to participate in a new competition called a ‘Production Class’ with Merino Wethers.

The Ag department was given a team of merino wethers back in March, along with several other schools from across South East Queensland.
All animals had been shorn at the same time for uniformity.
The aim of the competition was to produce a team of three animals, that were uniform in size, with a heavy, clean fleece, without blowing out the microns, and a heavy carcass weight with putting too much fat on the animal.
There is a fine line between doing it right and doing it wrong!
The students all got involved, learning about the preparation of merino, feeding them just right and providing correct animal husbandry.
With advice provided by both Joe Green and Bernie Haaijer, the Oakey High Ag team set off to the Ekka, feeling hopeful that we had done everything possible to get this balance right.
We stayed down at the Ekka for two nights for the competition.
All sheep teams were judged for uniformity, then shorn and fleeces were judged for brightness and evenness, and then weighed.
The animals were assessed for fat score and weighed for carcass value.
With all points added together, Oakey High came home the winner!
We would like to thank our sponsors Oakey Beef for providing our new shirts for the occasion.
- Debbie Goudie
Ag Science Teacher
Oakey State High School