

11 March, 2025

Needle grass a menace

Cr Carol Taylor said vigilance is needed to keep Chilean needle grass in check in the aftermath of Toowoomba Regional Council completing a program in the local area.

The Chilean needle grass seed has a sharp, pointed tip; a long, bentawn or tail; and a distinctive red crown or corona where the seed joins the awn. Photo, Queensland Government
The Chilean needle grass seed has a sharp, pointed tip; a long, bentawn or tail; and a distinctive red crown or corona where the seed joins the awn. Photo, Queensland Government

Chilean needle grass is a Weed of National Significance and is considered to be one of the worst weeds in Australia because of its invasive nature, potential for spread, and economic and environmental impacts.

In a report tabled at a February meeting, Council officers said the Chilean Needle Grass program has  been completed with over 142 roads and streets treated/inspected.   

“The program commenced on 3 September 2024 and final treatment/inspection  was conducted  on  8  January  2025,” the report said.

“Areas  treated/inspected  include Clifton, Nobby, Greenmount,  East  Greenmount, Toowoomba,  Westbrook and Cambooya.

“Good  growing conditions (wet and warm) resulted  in  an  increase  in  the  number  of  Chilean Needle Grass identifications compared to historically drier seasons, however the general level of infestation (intensity) continues to decline demonstrating the effectiveness of the program.”

In response to the report, Cr Taylor said it is a very insidious weed.

“It’s actually a very difficult weed to get on top of,” Cr Taylor said.

“It doesn’t show up so much in the drier season.

“They didn’t know it was at Clifton Showground for 25 years but it was there.

“I’d like us to keep a really good eye on it around the Clifton area and in Nobby, between Nobby and Greenmount on the road reserve.”

Cr Taylor said property owners inadvertently spread the weed by slashing along the side of the road, as Chilean needle grass has seeds on the top and bottom.

“We’ll be lucky to ever get on top of it I think.”


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