
Community & Business

10 July, 2021

Mount Peel upgrades completed

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) has completed upgrades to the bushwalking trails at Mount Peel Bushland that have been ongoing since March.

The mountain bike trail upgrades at Mount Peel are appealing for keen cyclists like Christopher, who was visiting from Toogoolawah.
The mountain bike trail upgrades at Mount Peel are appealing for keen cyclists like Christopher, who was visiting from Toogoolawah.

Mount Peel Bushland Park lies between Westbrook and Drayton on the north-western side of Anzac Avenue.

TRC Environment and Community Committee portfolio lead Tim McMahon said over the past year, Council had undertaken work on a number of projects which all fed in to the Sport and Active Recreation Healthy Living Plan.

“Here in the Garden City, we’re determined to provide more opportunities for our residents to get out and active,” Cr McMahon said.

“Bushwalking and mountain bike trails continue to increase in popularity which is why we’ve completed a number of improvement projects this year to give residents further recreational opportunities.

“Project works at Mount Peel Bushland Park have focused
on improving connection of the Boundary Street South trail-head to the existing bushwalking and mountain biking trails to cater for the growing residential population at Westbrook.

Improvement works at Mt Peel have included the addition of the ascending Gumbi Gumbi mountain bike trail which runs for 3040m  and the descending Darla trail which is 2755 metres long. 

Both of these trails start at the Boundary Street trailhead and join the existing older trails though the Wakka Bunda connection trail.

Cr McMahon said TRC has also built a new 560 metre bushwalking trail connection to the Basalt Walk that will allow walkers access the South Summit and the rest of the bushwalking trails from the Boundary Street South trailhead.

“To assist the community we’ve installed new trail signage to guide users from both the Darling Street trailhead and the Boundary Street South Trailhead.

“We’ve also extended the Darling Street carpark to provide more room for large vehicles such as horse floats, buses and trailers to park to assist a diverse range of user groups.”


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