
Community & Business

3 June, 2022

Local Men's Shed going gangbusters

Nine years since it began, the Pittsworth & District Men's Shed continues to expand both its membership ... and the list of completed projects.

Local Men's Shed going gangbusters - feature photo

Pittsworth & District Men’s Shed is a hive of activity every Tuesday and Thursday morning. 

And it’s open to the public for sales of firewood, kindling, garden stakes and concreter’s pegs, as well as specialised work such as furniture restoration and
the garden windmills 88-years-old Eric makes by hand. 

A recent open  day secured some new members but president Merv Henneberg is keen to see the group expand even more. 

“It’s just hanging out with mates and we’re doing productive things,” Mr Henneberg said. “We’ve made garden seats for Beauaraba Living and  for schools, we’re doing stuff all the time.”

There are more than 1000 organisations under the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) which was founded in 2007. 

The Pittsworth shed started nine years ago with, as founding president Merv Kahler recalls, “one little shed with about eight members and not a razoo in the bank.”  

Today’s members come from a variety of back-grounds, including retired businessmen, farmers and tradesmen, bringing together  an impressive collective skill set - and plenty of yarns to share. 

All agree that the comradery is something they look forward to each week. 

Mr Honnenberg said the open day, which saw all four sheds open within the Pittsworth Pioneer Historical Village, would be an annual event going forward.  


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