

7 September, 2021

Local feedlot in national finals

The Camm Agricultural Group feedlot enterprise at Wonga Plains west of Oakey has been named one of two finalists in the between 3,001 – 8,000 head category at the Australian Feedlot of the Year 2021 awards.

Camm Agricultural Group Chief Executive Officer Bryce Camm is also the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) president.
Camm Agricultural Group Chief Executive Officer Bryce Camm is also the Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) president.

The local operation is up against Gundamain Feedlot at New South Wales.

Mort & Co’s Pinegrove Feedlot near Millmerran is also a finalist, in the between 8,001 – 15,000 head category.

Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) president Bryce Camm, who is also the Chief Executive Officer of the Camm Agricultural Group, said the competition was open to all National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) accredited feedlots and focuses on driving best practice and uncovering feedlots that are truly exceeding the status quo.

He said 35 feedlots entered into the four size categories with nine named as finalists. 

“It is pleasing to see so many feedlots enter the competition this year, it demonstrates the lot feeding sector’s strong commitment to operating within robust quality management systems, continual improvement and innovation,” Mr Camm said.

“The Australian cattle feedlot industry prides itself on the integrity of its long-standing quality assurance scheme, NFAS, and this competition shows the commitment our sector has to the high standards we sign up to.”

“The finalists in the competition this year should be commended for their efforts in striving to push the status quo and be the best they can be.” 

By entering, feedlots receive valuable bench-marking feedback and
winning provides feed-lots the opportunity to take advantage of the considerable marketing benefits associated with winning the prestigious award. 

Overall winners will be announced at the Industry Awards Dinner held within the ALFA SmartBeef Conference program on 20 October in Dalby.


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