
Community & Business

9 August, 2021

Lions Presentation Evening

At the QCWA rooms the Clifton Lions Club dispersed its annual accumulated funds for 2021, most of which was raised via Friday night raffles at the Clifton Arms Hotel.

Standing, from left: Mike Conway (Treasurer of Clifton Lions), Rosita Lever (Principal, Clifton State School), Louise Bazley (Can Do Cottage), Ian Gregory (Clifton Scouts), Braeden Cameron (Teenage Volunteer), Chelsea Cameron (Teenage Volunteer). Seated: Julie Thomas (QCWA), Christine Cameron (Lions Lady), Maryann Bisdee (Clifton Lions President).
Standing, from left: Mike Conway (Treasurer of Clifton Lions), Rosita Lever (Principal, Clifton State School), Louise Bazley (Can Do Cottage), Ian Gregory (Clifton Scouts), Braeden Cameron (Teenage Volunteer), Chelsea Cameron (Teenage Volunteer). Seated: Julie Thomas (QCWA), Christine Cameron (Lions Lady), Maryann Bisdee (Clifton Lions President).

It is a Lions International ruling that all moneys raised from the twelve months of a President’s term be disposed of, allowing the new President to bring his/her fresh ideas and innovations to the new annual term.

On Wednesday night, the Clifton Lions made donations to local groups and charities including Clifton Scouts, QCWA, Clifton State School Breakfast Club, School Chaplaincy,  Can Do Cottage,  Toowoomba Hospice, Clifton Museum.

As well, cheques were forwarded to LifeFlight Toowoomba, Angel Flight, Spinal Cord Foundation, Lions Camp Duckadang, Lions Foundation for Disasters, Guide Dogs, Lions Medical Research Foundation, Lions Eye Health, Childhood Cancer, Leukaemia Foundation, Lions Hearing Dogs, Lions InSearch, Prostate Cancer, Need For Feed (Drought assistance for farmers).   

The Lions extend their thanks to the raffle ticket buyers without whom these donations would not have been impossible.

Now, Lions President Maryann Bisdee will start again to fundraise for next year’s presentation beginning with a Monster Garage Sale on 7th and 8th August in East Street, Clifton.

Lions’ next meeting will be 11th August, at the Arms Hotel, 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

For further information, call 0428 848 814. 

- Cynthia Conway


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