Community & Business
2 December, 2024
Latest Update On Allora Precinct Redevelopment
Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) has now released a Request for Tender (“RFT”) 25_033 for the Allora Precinct Redevelopment, which is due to close on 12 December.
This RFT will deal with Council’s portion of the work for this precinct.
Community Services Manager of SDRC Michael Bell has advised that on tender close, contract offers will be evaluated and a recommendation placed before Council on the contractor that provides the best value for money outcome.
“This decision of the Council will be made at a future Council meeting, forecast at this point to occur in January,” Mr Bell said.
“On acceptance and execution of a contract, officers will then look to deliver this project by about September 2025.
“With the forecast program of works, there is likely to be some impact on the community, namely the use of the Allora Senior Citizen space during the construction period.
I apologise for this inconvenience, however, Council is endeavouring to keep this impact to a minimum, whilst ensuring this project is expedited through to completion.
“On completion of this project, the Allora Library will relocate into what is currently known as the Allora Senior Citizens building, which will also include community meeting space at the rear of the building as previously discussed.
This relocation will then facilitate the expansion of the Allora Sports Museum into what is currently the existing Allora Library space.”