

15 October, 2024

Isabelle and Pedro star at National Titles

Isabelle Gilmore has stamped herself as one of Australia’s best young horse riders gaining third place in the Combined Training event of the recent National Titles against the best riders from all over Australia.

Twenty-one year Pedro, a Connemara/ thoroughbred cross, takes eleven year old Emu Creek State School student, Isabelle Gilmore, safely over a jump at the Combined Training event at the National Titles held recently at the Tamworth Equestrian centre where they achieved third place.
Twenty-one year Pedro, a Connemara/ thoroughbred cross, takes eleven year old Emu Creek State School student, Isabelle Gilmore, safely over a jump at the Combined Training event at the National Titles held recently at the Tamworth Equestrian centre where they achieved third place.

Riding her twenty-one year old mount Plovers Rest, better known to Isabelle as Pedro, they competed in an event combining dressage and show jumping skills followed by a time trial event where they excelled.

The Interschools Australia Competition was held at the Tamworth Equestrian Centre with 420 students and 470 horses  competing.

Isabelle began riding at two years of age and horse riding is a family tradition with father Will Gilmore being a champion Polo player as have been many generations of Gilmores.

Mum Taya grew up in New Zealand and competed in Pony Club and a variety of equine events before moving to Australia.

The Gilmores run a horse training facility at Headington Hill so young Isabelle has horse riding in her blood.

Pedro is a Connemara crossed with a thoroughbred  and stands just over 14 hands in height and was bought by the Gilmores when he was 19 years of age.

Isabelle describes him as very intelligent with a cheeky nature but becomes very switched on when competing.

She said he loves his treats of Smoochies and carrots and at twenty-one years of age you might say he has earnt them.

Isabelle is likely to have many years of horse riding events ahead of her and
who knows, it wouldn’t surprise if we hear her name in the running for the Olympic Equestrian events in 2032.


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