
Community & Business

29 November, 2023

Helping a national icon

Following an article in On Our Selection News a few weeks ago about spotting koalas, a reader has helped make sure one of our furry friends stayed safe.

The koala Jeff Edwards spotted in Middle Ridge.
The koala Jeff Edwards spotted in Middle Ridge.

Jeff Edwards from Wyreema was driving near the intersection of Nelson and Hume streets in Middle Range when he spotted a koala slowly walking down the road.

“I slowed down to prevent it from getting run over and it eventually climbed up a telegraph pole to about 8 feet high,” Jeff said.

“Myself and a local resident called the RSPCA and they came out fairly quickly to catch it with nets. 

“The Koala was already tagged.”

Report all sick or injured koalas to the RSPCA Animal Emergency 1300 ANIMAL hotline by calling 1300 264 625.

You can also report wild koala sightings to the QWildlife Koala Sighting app, available on Apple and Android devices.


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