23 December, 2024
Getting an education: Quinalow Ag Day
One hundred and twenty students attended Quinalow State School’s Ag Day to learn about some of the tricks of the agriculture trade and extend their knowledge of farming practices.

Due to the rain, numbers were lower than expected, but students still travelled from Kulpi and Bell.
Experts from various fields generously shared their time with the students, who enjoyed the excitement in their final week of school for the year.
Chelsea Hartwig from Goombungee spoke about grains and what made the best feed for cattle.
Former DPI employee Peter Leggett made his way from Dalby to share the basics about the difference between branding and NLIS (National Livestock Identification System) tags.
Former Maclagan butcher Dudley Schilf to share his knowledge about cuts of meat and the importance of meat in a balanced diet.
Rob Young from EcoIndustries, shared his vast knowledge about the role that dung beetles play in the agricultural eco-system, and brought along real dung.
Camm’s Agricultural Group from Wonga Plains feedlot at Bowenville were also represented, along with McLean Farms from Pittsworth, veterinarian Dr Amanda Nation and auctioneer Mark Duthie.