Community & Business
14 December, 2023
Gay Erskine A Winner On & Off The Court
Celebrations for Gay Erskine’s 80th birthday recently took place on the family property “Tarragunda” in the Goomburra Valley.
Obviously a popular lady as over 65 people, some from as far away as Denmark attended the party.
Gay Erskine has been a very well respected and active contributing member of our community since arriving 22 years ago, playing and coaching elite level Squash. She’s also a horse lover and chartered accountant.
Prior to all this, Gay was born in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and immigrated to Australia in 1978.
At one stage she was ranked number four in the world on the Women’s Squash Tour.
Gay captained the South African Springbok Women’s Squash team and was honoured with the Southern African Sportsperson of the Year in 1976 (out of all sports and both sexes!).
She continues to enjoy squash, training and competing each week at the Allora squash courts and played a significant part in bringing Squash from Warwick to Allora, which has proven to be a popular sport for the local Allora community.