
26 April, 2022

Eight Mile Overpass Takes Shape

Motorists travelling from Allora to Warwick will see a significant change to the roadworks being carried out at the Eight Mile intersection.

Eight Mile Overpass Takes Shape - feature photo

The Single lane overpass (pictured) is for traffic on the New England Highway travelling from Allora or Toowoomba to Warwick.

The Bridge clearance will be 6.1m on the Brisbane-bound carriageway and 7.1m on the Warwick-bound carriageway to provide for over-dimensioned vehicles.

Other traffic movements at the intersection will remain at ground level which will be upgraded to improve safety and efficiency. Traffic on the Cunningham Highway will travel underneath the overpass.

Also being installed at the site -

• 2 new culvert structures to assist with site drainage,

• new lighting and improvements to existing lighting using LED luminaires and

• a new traffic monitoring camera.

This project is jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments on an 80:20 (federal:state) basis as part of the National Land Transport Network Upgrade program.

Total Investment is $25 million made up of $20 million from The Australia Government and $5 million from The Queensland Government.

Construction on the intersection is expected to be completed by August 2022, weather and construction conditions permitting.


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