Community & Business
29 June, 2023
Community Info Centre back
After a three-year hiatus due to the mine’s uncertain future, the New Acland Community Information Centre has re-opened on Campbell Street.
Locals will be able to ask about jobs at the mine and pitch community projects to the company.
New Acland General Manager Dave O’Dwyer said it was an important milestone for the company to re-open the office.
“We’ve had a town office before, and we’re back in the town again,” he said.
Condamine MP Pat Weir said the mine’s presence was good for Oakey.
“It’s great to see the office have a presence again in Oakey,” Mr Weir said.
“I was at the annual meeting of the Show Society (last week), and they’re one of the many groups in Oakey that has benefited through support from New Hope.”
Former TRC Community Development Officer Linda Sexton has stepped into a the Community Liaison role with New Hope and says she will be a point of contact between the company and the community in Oakey.
“We feel pretty good about the office opening,” she said.
“We’ll be open 9am to 4pm Mondays to Fridays.”
“Come in and say hi!”
If you can’t make it into the office, you can call Linda on 0455 023 405 or send an email to
New Acland Mine General Manager, Dave O’Dwyer said the re-opening of the New Acland Coal Community Information Centre emphasises New Hope Group’s close relationship with the local community.
“Following a two-year hiatus, we’re delighted to once again have an office at Oakey,” Mr O’Dwyer said.
“For years, Darling Downs locals were able to drop in and share a cup of coffee or tea with the New Acland Mine team.
‘We’re thrilled this tradition will continue.
“The Community Information Centre is a one-stop shop for local landholders and community members eager to discuss job and sponsorship opportunities and share information about the expansion of New Acland Mine.
“Three New Acland Mine team members will work out of the New Acland Coal Community Information Centre, which is open five days a week, 9am to 4pm.”
Last month, Queensland Minister for Resources, Scott Stewart officially opened New Acland Mine Stage 3 following a 16-year approvals process.
The Oakey Coal Action Alliance has launched a late legal challenge over concerns around groundwater, however this has not halted the uptake of work at the mine.
At the time, New Hope CEO Rob Bishop hailed the opening of the mine as a defining moment for the region.
“Today is a moment of celebration for our workforce, their families, local farmers, landholders, business leaders and the local community,” he said at the launch.
“I would like to congratulate and thank the Oakey and Darling Downs communities for standing side-by-side New Hope Group over the past 16 years.”
There are currently more than a hundred local employees on site at New Acland Mine, with coal set to be turned later this year.
At the peak of construction, it’s estimated there will be about 600 local workers at the Mine.
Throughout the life of the project, the permanent workforce will be approximately 400 full-time roles, made up of Darling Downs locals.