
Community & Business

11 January, 2024

Clifton Tip hours extended

Operating hours at the Clifton Waste Management Facility were extended from the 28th of December, Toowoomba Regional Council recognising that the closure of the Greenmount facility has had an impact.

Clifton Tip hours extended - feature photo

However, local residents shouldn’t get too excited - the extension is only temporary.

Water and Waste Committee portfolio leader Cr Nancy Sommerfield said the extended hours are four hours each Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.  

“This means that the Clifton facility will be open every day as a temporary measure due to the Greenmount facility currently being closed,” Cr Sommerfield said.

“Council is pleased to offer residents access to temporary extended opening hours at the Clifton facility to compensate for the temporary closure of the Greenmount Waste Management Facility.

“Council is upgrading the Greenmount site to a Tier 2 waste management facility, which will be similar in principle to the Kleinton Waste Management Facility, offering additional recycling opportunities to reduce the volume of waste going to landfill.”

 “Council appreciates the cooperation of our contractor Ability Enterprises, whose staff will be rostered for the extra opening hours,” she said.

Times, including temporary hours for the facility are:

Monday: 1pm to 5pm

Tuesday: 1pm to 5pm

Wednesday: 8am to noon

Thursday: 1pm to 5pm

Friday: 1pm to 5pm

Saturday: 10am to 3pm

Sunday: 10am to 3pm.

These will revert to normal when Greenmount re-opens.


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