
Community & Business

17 June, 2024

Clifton Fly In attracts 40 aircraft

Despite foggy conditions, this year’s Clifton Fly In saw 40 aircraft and 40 cars come to enjoy the morning.

James Bange captured the Fly In from above.
James Bange captured the Fly In from above.

Event organiser Trevor Bange said the morning started out very low due to the foggy conditions hampering the arrival of aircraft.

“However pilots flew a ‘holding pattern’ to the north of the airfield until they were able to commence landing from about 8.20am,” Mr Bange said.

“Hearty bacon and egg rolls were enjoyed by all attendees and a coffee van supplied specialty coffees.

“Overall a very good day, it lets us show off what Clifton has to offer for the community and aviators.”


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