General News
7 March, 2025
Chamber meets with Heritage in crisis talks
In a meeting organised by federal MP Garth Hamilton, the Oakey Chamber of Commerce has met with the leaders of People’s First Bank (formerly Heritage Bank) to discuss the future of the local branch in town after opening hours were cut in half in December.

People’s First Bank CEO Steve Laidlaw and Chief Customer Officer Maria-Ann Camilleri met with Oakey Chamber of Commerce President Dave Cooper, Treasurer Betty Richter, and Chamber of Commerce member representatives from Westgarth Realty and The Oakey Champion.
In a frank and forthright conversation, the People’s First leaders explained that Oakey was not a profitable branch, but that in recognition of a need for a banking presence in town the branch would remain open at reduced hours.
At the request of the Chamber, further meetings will be taking place with People’s First Bank to discuss whether Oakey’s opening hours can be altered for the benefit of those who are working during the current hours of 9am to 1pm.
Federal MP Garth Hamilton, who organised the meeting said these discussions were essential.
“We need this branch to stay open. I’ll be organising quarterly meetings with People First and the Chamber of Commerce to ensure everything is being done to keep the Oakey branch open,” he said.
“If the opening hours need changing, we’ll raise that. If lending criteria are too harsh, we’ll raise that. People First have committed to working with us and I think that’s a good thing.”
Oakey Chamber of Commerce President Dave Cooper said the meeting was a positive start to what would hopefully prove a fruitful dialogue.
“It was brought up at the Chamber meeting late last year, that there were going to be cutbacks, we engaged Garth to see what would be done,” he said.
“A meeting was set up in January to figure out what their position was in Oakey.
“They were open to discussions. There’s an opportunity here to continue a train of discussions to prolong their existence in Oakey.
“We’re trying to work out if there’s a way of trying to encourage more people to use the local branch, such as changing the hours to suit the community.”
Mr Hamilton said he was now in talks with a neighbouring chamber group, Pittsworth District Alliance to arrange a meeting with Mr Laidlaw and Ms Camilleri to discuss the future of the branch in that town.