

15 December, 2021

Cambooya’s Waylon Barron joins QDO board

The new Queensland Dairyfarmers’ Organisation (QDO) director for the Darling Downs is Waylon Barron from Cambooya.

Cambooya’s Waylon Barron joins QDO board - feature photo

Mr Barron is the replacement representative on the current QDO board following the retirement of Brendan Hayden and will be a director on the interim board of eastAUSmilk going forward.

With his wife Tash, Mr Barron runs a herd of Holsteins with some Jerseys. 

He is also in business with his brother and together they run a hay contracting business as part of their operation. 

Mr Barron has been dairy farming since leaving school, has been active in showing cows and is a member of the Royal Agricultural Society of Queensland, Toowoomba. 

This interest both in cattle breeding and industry development saw Mr Barron become a judge for the International Dairy Week Youth Section last year. 

QDO President Brian Tessman said as it has always done, QDO is looking to the future and renewal in the industry and renewal on the board is a key part of that. 

“This is particularly so with QDO incorporating with Dairy Connect to form eastAUSmilk,” Mr Tessman said.

“Therefore, it is with pleasure I welcome the new director for the Darling Downs district Waylon Barron to the board.  

“I have always thought if our industry is to prosper, we all need to be involved in developing our industry our farms and ourselves. It is great to see Waylon doing just that.”

Mr Tessman said the recent couple of decades have been tough to dairy farm in southern Queensland but there is much more hope currently that better times are ahead for dairy farming in the region. 

“It is therefore great to have a young man coming on to the board who has seen some of those tough times but is looking forward to being part of building the better times ahead of us and the industry,” he said.

The new eastAUSmilk chair is former QDO vice-president Matt Trace.


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