
22 March, 2023

Boom town: Westbrook expected to more than double

The recently released Toowoomba Region Growth Plan shows Westbrook is anticipated to grow by more than 4,800 people by 2051, taking the total population to just over 9,200.

It is expected Westbrook’s population will expand through urban expansion to the north and west of town and urban consolidation in the town’s existing centre and south-west.
It is expected Westbrook’s population will expand through urban expansion to the north and west of town and urban consolidation in the town’s existing centre and south-west.

The number of dwellings, recorded at 1,480 in 2021, is expected to more than double as well, increasing by 2,000.

The Toowoomba Region Growth Plan, presented to Toowoomba Regional Council last week, is intended to act as the long-term population and employment growth strategy for the Region to 2051.

The release of the plan may be a good sign for developers, who have faced difficulty in past efforts to expand Westbrook.

Toowoomba Region Mayor Paul Antonio said the Toowoomba Region Growth Plan establishes a clear and coordinated long-term growth strategy to guide when and how employment and population growth occurs, allowing the Region to develop in a “thoughtful and considered manner.”

In its entirety, the Toowoomba Region is expected to grow by around 66,600 new people and 39,500 new jobs over the next 30 years, requiring around 27,000 new dwellings.

Westbrook’s growth is expected to be more rapid from 2036 to 2051.

“The logical expansion beyond the current urban area of Westbrook to the west and north provides potential to accommodate a significant number of new dwellings that would contribute to a larger and potentially more complete community at Westbrook, with access to new services and facilities that are attracted to service the larger population,” the report says.

“This expansion needs to be weighed against the resulting encroachment into land identified as quality agricultural land, as well as against the level of investment required to support new and upgraded infrastructure. 

“This is particularly as it relates to water supply networks, hence this Future Growth Area has been shown as requiring further investigation.”

New growth is anticipated to be accommodated through the traditional house and land package, however there is also potential for a variety of new housing choices to be delivered in Westbrook, to create walkable communities in areas close to the existing local centre.

Employment opportunities for Westbrook are expected to be “heavily influenced” by the developing Toowoomba Trade Gateway at Charlton.

Aside from Westbrook, the south-western suburbs of Toowoomba are also expected to experience significant population growth over the next few decades.

The suburbs of Darling Heights and Kearneys Spring are expected to have a combined increase of over 4,000 people by 2051, representing an annual average growth of 0.8 per cent.

The suburbs of Drayton and Harristown are expected to have an even higher rate of growth, increasing by 5,950 people at an average annual growth of 1.5 per cent.

Westbrook is included among the Toowoomba - West area, alongside Glenvale, Wellcamp, Torrington, Cotswold Hills and Charlton.

This area is expected to have the most growth of any in the Toowoomba Region, increasing by 21,300 people from 16,100 in 2021 to 37,400 in 2051, an annual average growth of 2.8 per cent.


Collectively, Cambooya and Wyreema are expected to grow by 1,300 people and 550 dwellings.

Both towns currently have just over 2,000 residents each.

“Moderate growth is anticipated through to 2051 with opportunities for greenfield areas to the south-east providing opportunities to accommodate new growth,” the Growth Plan said about Cambooya.

“Residential areas within walking distance of the main street (Eton Street) will have the greatest mix of housing. 

“Therefore, the area bounded by the railway line, Cambooya Connection Road and Hodgson Creek have been designated for urban consolidation.

“It is anticipated that new growth in Cambooya will be in keeping with the existing character of houses on mid- to-large sized lots, with limited take up of attached housing such as townhouses or duplexes.”

It is noted moderate growth is expected for Wyreema which current infrastructure can support.

“There is capacity in land and infrastructure networks to accommodate new growth dispersed across the existing urban extent of the town,” the Growth Plan says.

“It is anticipated that new growth in Wyreema will be in keeping with the existing character of houses on mid-to-large sized lots, with limited take up of attached housing such as townhouses or duplexes.”

Smaller towns and suburbs such as Greenmount, Nobby, Hodgson Vale and Top Camp were not individually covered in the Growth Plan.

Across the Clifton - Greenmount area, the population is expected to grow by 850 people from 5,150 in 2021 to 6,000 in 2051, representing an average annual growth of 0.5 per cent.


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