
Community & Business

15 February, 2023

Bank marks 131 years in Clifton

It’s somewhat ironic, given this month’s announcement that the local NAB branch will close for good, but this week the bank has been in Clifton for 131 years, the first branch of the Queensland National Bank having opened in 1892.

Clifton staffers Kerry and Jenny with a couple of the huge books needed to keep records of the day.
Clifton staffers Kerry and Jenny with a couple of the huge books needed to keep records of the day.

Despite the impending branch closure, the local staff have maintained their enthusiasm and on Tuesday, the actual anniversary date, set up a display of some intriguing memorabilia.

This included a massive book with details of the many customers of the bank including well-known district surnames such as McGovern, Metzroth, Meara, Cranitch, Gillam etc.

Interest rates being paid by borrowers more than a century ago were 1.5 and
2 per cent.

A bank manual on display states (in part): 

Pistols must be -

Kept in a position readily available to the Officer in Charge

Fully loaded

Kept clean and well oiled

Fired off regularly - not longer than monthly intervals


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