
28 September, 2022

Application lodged for Greenmount tip

A Material Change of Use - Code development application has been submitted by Toowoomba Regional Council for the upgrade of the Greenmount Waste Management Facility.

The landscape concept for the Greenmount Waste Management Facility provides a good idea of what the new premises will look like.
The landscape concept for the Greenmount Waste Management Facility provides a good idea of what the new premises will look like.

A utility installation will be established over two stages at the 10.1 hectare 123 Falknau Road, East Greenmount premises.

An assessment report for the application notes Stage 1 commencement of the use is anticipated during 2024, with completion of Stage 2 anticipated by 2034.

“The facility will operate between the hours of 7am and 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am and 5pm on Saturday and Sundays,” the report said.

“The Retail Tip Shop (Stage 1 and Stage 2) operating hours may vary but will be within the facility’s normal operating hours.

“No shredding or crushing activities are proposed to occur onsite as part of this application.”

Infrastructure that will need to be constructed includes stormwater treatment trains, gatehouse and weighbridges, a bulky materials area (BMA), a resource recovery building (RRA) and workshop, a residual waste transfer building (RWT), a retail tip shop and equipment shed.

It is forecast that the average waste volume, which was 8.814 tonnes in 2018, will be 9,000 tonnes in 2024 and 11,000 tonnes in 2044.

Maximum staffing levels are forecast to between two and three full time equivalent employees.

Plans for this type of waste facility are based on the much larger Greater Toowoomba Waste Management Facility at Charlton.

In July, Water and Waste Committee portfolio leader Cr Nancy Sommerfield said transfer facilities reduce the need for regional landfills, ensuring better environmental outcomes for the community.

“The new design allows waste to be stored on hardstand pavement, and transported off-site, helping us to recover and re-use more of our waste products,” Cr Sommerfield said.

The Greenmount facility will service residents at Cambooya, Wyreema, Vale View, Ramsay, Top Camp, Hodgson Vale and some of the southern parts of Toowoomba.

The 2022-23 TRC budget allocated $3 million for the project.


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