General News
13 March, 2025
Another robbery at Clifton’s servo
Clifton’s only service station on King Street was broken into on Monday morning, three months after an armed robbery had taken place there.

Senior Constable Tyson Morris from Clifton Police said two people smashed the front window of the business at 4.05am.
No staff were there at the time.
The offenders entered the premises and took cash from the till and other items before leaving.
Police had been alerted to the break-in by someone who was staying at the Club Hotel across the road.
Th witness had taken photos which will assist police.
The offenders were travelling in a utility.
Later on Monday morning, a police forensics officer examined the scene.
The business was able to open on Monday morning but customers could only pay for fuel with card.
Police investigations are continuing.
The manager of the service station was victim to a horrifying daylight robbery on 3 December last year.
At around 4pm, a man armed with a knife entered the premises and threatened a staff member demanding cash.
The offender stole a quantity of cash and then fled the scene in a car without registration plates.
There have been no charges laid regarding this incident.
Clifton is not the only town on the Darling Downs to have a business affected by property crime this year.
A tobacco store in Stanthorpe was subject to two arson attacks in January.
In that matter, police allege two men, both aged 25, broke into the shop at 4am on Australia Day and doused the building with a flammable liquid before setting it on fire.
Police allege both men returned to the business around 2.30am on January 28 and again set fire to the store, which was extensively damaged.
In early February the two men were found by police in Brisbane and charged with three counts of arson and endanger property by fire and two counts enter premises.
The robbery on Monday and the robbery in December serve as warnings to local businesses.
Senior Constable Morris said to reduce the chance of being robbed and to deter offenders, businesses can undertake a variety of measures.
This includes, for businesses that have not already done so, looking at getting CCTV cameras installed and for businesses that have, ensuring the cameras are working and pointing in the right direction.
Senior Constable Morris said businesses should also focus on their premises’ security, including upgrades to security screens and doors and locks, especially as there are a lot of older buildings in town, a product of their time, that lack modern security features
“General security is always a positive thing,” he said.
“Businesses are welcome to contact Clifton Police for a security audit.”
Clifton Police can be called 4631 6939.