Community & Business
16 September, 2024
Allora’s Coming Attraction
Doug Partington’s Wikner Ford Special, the oldest Australian racing car will be on permanent display at the Allora Sports Museum.
The Wikner is famous throughout Australia as well as America, and now Allora will benefit by attracting tourists to view this exciting piece of motoring history.
It’s Doug Partington’s pride and joy but he’s willing to share.
The Allora Sports Museum offered Doug the opportunity to display his Wikner Ford Special at the Museum.
Naturally the Wikner will be placed in a controlled environment that will be a special glassed area with an all weather covering to protect it from sun, rain and hail.
Picture this - on show seven days a week and lit up each night for everyone’s enjoyment.
It will be allowed out for special demonstration events.
Special plans have been drawn with support for the project coming from the Southern Downs Regional Council.
We’re all excited and waiting for action.
Once the old Allora Fire Station has been demolished, the septic re-configured, the library moved and the sports museum in its new home we can expect to see Allora’s latest attraction.