
General News

27 May, 2024

Allora Police Reports: Crossing Safely, Stupid Burnouts

Pedestrian safety at Allora's busy intersections and burnouts have caught the attention of Allora Police.

Allora Police Reports: Crossing Safely, Stupid Burnouts - feature photo

Crossing Safely - The pedestrian crossing located on Warwick Street is a busy section of the town’s road system with vehicles approaching from multiple angles.

Motorists must give way to pedestrians on a crossing under the road rules, but pedestrians must also make sure that it is safe for them to cross before moving out onto the roadway.

Transport and Main Roads advice to pedestrians is that they come to a stop at the edge of the crossing, wait until traffic has come to a complete stop before walking, if you are crossing more than one lane make sure that all traffic has seen you.

In addition, we need persons parking their vehicles near to this area are abiding by the road rules to ensure the best visibility possible from persons approaching and those crossing. 

We want all road users to be safe on our roads and Allora Police will be monitoring this intersection and crossing to make sure that everyone gets to their destination safely.

Stupid Burnouts - On the 26/04/2024 and 02/05/2024 a motorist drove into Allora township at nighttime and did large burnouts on Warwick Street in between the IGA supermarket and the Railway Hotel in his Holden Commodore Utility before driving off.

With the assistance of members of the community and the CCTV from local businesses Allora Police identified the culprit and the vehicle, with search warrants being executed at an address in Warwick.

The driver a 22-year-old Warwick man, made admissions to committing the offences to Police and was subsequently issued with a notice to appear before the Warwick Magistrates Court on the 1/07/2024 for offences including Wilfully make unnecessary noise and smoke, drugs possession and unlawful possession of explosives.

With respect to the driving offences the driver is liable to significant fines and substantial licence suspension.

Ben Ogden

Senior Constable 17702

Allora Police Station


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