Community & Business
13 August, 2024
Allora Men’s Shed holds AGM
Acting President Brett Nottage welcomed 18 of over 30 members of the Allora Men’s Shed to their AGM at the Allora RSL premises; also guest Ian Tate Manager of the Allora Warwick Credit Union to chair the election of Office Bearers.
Brett presented absentee Trevor Shield’s Annual President’s report. Trevor said that the AMS has had another good year, during which members were occupied restoring locals’ furniture, dismantling pallets to use in the building of sale items as well as woodchips and kindling, generously sold on by complimentary agents, Allora Hardware.
A close knit construction team was kept busy fabricating breeder and layer boxes further stocked by Allora Hardware. Graham Hickson was thanked for keeping the shed moving forward.
A feature of the year was again the Big Morning Tea very well supported by the Allora Community and ladies from the Allora Scope Club. $2,000 was again forwarded to the Cancer Council of Australia.
Trevor was especially pleased as he said to the gathering that “so many members of the Allora and District families have been touched by cancer”.
There has been a deal of shedders’ community involvement during the year and the shed Christmas was another enjoyable get-together. He wished the incoming Committee all the best.
Brett, wearing his Treasurer’s hat, presented a most comprehensive Annual Financial Statement, which showed the Shed to be in a strong financial position.
He thanked Graham Hickson for his help with treasury matters and congratulated everyone on another successful year.
He then declared all positions vacant and called on Ian to take the chair. Ian congratulated everybody for another successful year; he had heard many good things said of the Men’s Shed over the last 12 months and wished another successful year on members.
At the ensuing election of Office Bearers, the following positions were filled:
President: Trevor Coulter. Vice President: Don Sheid. Secretary: Graham Hickson. Vice Secretary/ Treasurer: Brett Nottage. Treasurer: Steve McDonald. Committee Members: Gary Taylor, John Crombie, Bob Burge. Patron: Jim Corby.
Any person at all interested in visiting the Allora Men’s Shed; you are invited to call at 10am smoko time, 16 Jubb Street, on the morning of Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.
- Stuart Campbell