
7 May, 2021

Allora Festival A Hit

The 2021 Allora Autumn Festival proved to be a popular event. Despite the forecast of rain and colder conditions for the weekend, sunshine greeted visitors on the day and plenty of people chose to support the Festival and the general response was positive.

Trevor Neale from the Allora & District Historical Society with a group of 20 walkers who enjoyed the town Historical Walk on Saturday, as part of the Autumn Festival. Photo courtesy Wendy Ardrey.
Trevor Neale from the Allora & District Historical Society with a group of 20 walkers who enjoyed the town Historical Walk on Saturday, as part of the Autumn Festival. Photo courtesy Wendy Ardrey.

One very well supported highlight was the historical walks conducted by members of the Allora and District Historical Society. As was the case with previous such walks, the tours were popular with up to 20 walkers taking part in the walking groups. The wide range of features on offer included market stalls, children’s rides, buskers and food outlets.


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