
Community & Business

17 January, 2024

Allora Attaches Great Importance to Community Hall

A survey by Southern Downs Regional Council asking for community responses about various Allora facilities has revealed that there is no doubt about the importance of the Community Hall to the town and district.

Allora Attaches Great Importance to Community Hall - feature photo

SDRC received 252 responses to the survey and 92% of those placed a level of importance on the Community Hall - 65% saying it was extremely important, 18% very important and 8% somewhat important.

The remaining 8% said the hall was not important at all.

Of the 172 respondents who addressed the issue of the Regional Sports Museum, 74% placed some level of importance on the facility, while 26% said it was not important at all.

Just over two-thirds of the replies indicated that the senior citizens’ centre would be suitable for use as a library.


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