

12 January, 2023

A Weed That Is Prevalent On The Darling Downs

A spokesperson from the Southern Downs Regional Council has identified the weed as Curled Dock, a common weed of pastures and croplands.

A Weed That Is Prevalent On The Darling Downs - feature photo

It is a perennial up to 2m tall. 

Seed germinates from autumn to spring and it grows into a rosette of leaves over winter to form a solid taproot. 

Rootstocks shoot in early autumn and rapidly produce a rosette of many leaves that shade and crowd neighbouring plants. 

Flowering stems emerge in spring and top growth usually dies off over summer though some rosette leaves may survive in summer moist areas. 

Most seedling don’t flower in their first season under field conditions. 

Flowers at the middle of the seed head open first then progressive towards the top and then towards the base. 

Seed ripens 16-20 days after flowering. T

he old flowering stems remain attached to the plant for most of the following season, though most of the seed has shed by late autumn.

Chemical control is the preferred option, both selective and non-selective are effective. 

Please seek specific advice from your chemical seller and the chemical label on the drum.


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