
Community & Business

3 September, 2021

A Special Treat For Allora

The beautiful sounds of Emmanuel Vivace could be heard at Allora’s St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The congregation was in awe with the fantastic voices singing many favourites including Amazing Grace.

Emmanual College Choir at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Allora
Emmanual College Choir at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Allora

Sally Lockett, the Choral Director was on tour around the region with her choir who also delighted the Allora and District Historical Society with a special performance at the Museum. 

Of great interest to the group was the music room at the Museum where the Choir’s piano accompanist Andrew Tuppen played Marjori Deacon’s piano (Marjori being Jim Deacon’s sister). The piano is very old, even has candle holders.

While in the museum Sally (daughter of Helen Coughlan nee Deacon) browsed through the history of her family.

The trip to Allora was very nostalgic for Sally who visited as a child when her parents built a small ‘getaway’ house in South Street where her grandparents lived.

From Allora the Emmanuel Vivace Choir moved onto the Glengallan Homestead where they performed at a special music lovers concert along with the popular Allora Quartet Amity featuring Don & Vanessa Burge and Leanne & Cassie Midgley.


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