
Community & Business

9 August, 2022

A secluded piece of local history

In the midst of farmland on Careys Road stands the Headington Hill Heritage Acre, where many decades ago a church once stood.

The entry to Headington Hill Heritage Acre.
The entry to Headington Hill Heritage Acre.

From 1902 to 1941, the site was home to St Peter’s Lutheran Church.

A few local families have taken the effort to keep the place well maintained.

There are a couple of older graves as well as memorials to people who have died within the last few decades.

The church was dismantled in the 1940s and some of its materials, as well as materials from the Lutheran church at Mount Kent, went into the construction of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Nobby.

A flyer at the site says the acre of land was donated by the Paech family with Stehn and Venz families as trustees.

If you are interested in having a look, after turning on to Gatton Clifton Road from the New England Highway, turn left after three kilometres onto Careys Road and after another kilometre the site will be on your right.

If you do drop in, the volunteers keeping it maintained would appreciate some spare change to go towards purchasing a ride on mower.


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